Table 1. Build-up of Personnel September 1944 - October 1945
Control Commission Monthly Reports provide a snapshot of how numbers were built up in CCG’s first year of operations. They were compiled from information submitted by individual Divisions and Branches, which was not always fully available or forthcoming in time, so the figures are not always accurate or complete, as noted below. Nevertheless, they give an indication of how long it took for CCG to acquire the people it needed.
Source: Control Commission Monthly Progress Reports. National Archives Files FO1005/1634, 1635, 1636
Table 2. Civilian and Military CCG employees 1946 - 1950
Source: Quarterly Report of the High Commissioner for Germany, No. 1, 1951 (reproduced from Reconstruction in Post-War Germany, Ian Turner, Appendix Fig. 4, p367)
Table 3. CCG German employees [1946 – 1959]
[to come]